

Posts tagged #FeedOurBabies


For parents of newborns like my wife and I, the news of the supply chain shortages have been very concerning. Finding empty shelves in stores across the country where you’d normally find dozens of options for infant formula can make you question a lot of things.

Every parent just wants their kid to be healthy as they grow. And for some children who are only fed through formula, these last few weeks have been scary. Counting up every can of powder or bottle of ready made formula to see how much you have left and hoping that your child doesn’t want to cluster feed or increase regular feeding amount faster than expected.

And then there’s parents who rely on very specific formula due to their child’s health concerns or what their insurance will cover. Or the parents who financially can’t afford to travel far distances to find what they need or even order online.

Needless to say these are unprecedented times. But we must #FeedOurBabies. We want them to grow into strong young men and women who will make something of themselves one day.

And you know how they say it takes a village to raise a child? Well that’s where my wife and I find ourselves right now. Connecting with our village and finding out about others who are in need. In the past week, while we were able to find what we needed for our son, we were also able to help 5 other families find what they need and even deliver or ship it to them.

So we’ve decided that we want to continue these efforts under the #CajitasDeAmor initiative where we worked alongside my mother and El Santuario church to donate items to those in need after tragic events.

At this time we’d like to gather information on those who are still in need. If you or someone you know is still looking to find infant formula of any kind, please contact us via email at Let us know where you are, what formula options you are looking for and roughly how much you need.

For those who would like to help with these efforts please also email us so we can keep you informed and reach out as we confirm needs.

Most importantly we ask that you pray for us and all families affected during this time.