

Posts tagged Forgiveness
Forgiveness is hard…


When I decided to add “Content with a purpose” to my website it’s because my goal and hope is that everything I share, say or work on will have a bigger purpose. Whether that’s helping someone understand something with a new perspective or simply encourage someone to not give up.


So with the recent tshirt I decided to release, each theme has had a direct impact on my own person life. With the latest #FML tee, I didn’t know how God was going to use it but as I read up on forgiveness (to or from others and from God) I had to really consider the areas/people in my life that I haven’t really forgiven.


Since the drop there have been opportunities for me to ask for forgiveness or offer it with some family and there have been insightful conversations and times of prayer with my wife to help me go through some things.


God continues to work on me and I’m grateful for his Grace and Mercy on my life even still! May you be encouraged to deal with forgiveness differently and in a healthy way. May you draw closer to God as you pray and seek forgiveness! May you have merciful encounters with God that will help you be the best version of yourself.




#fml #forgivemelord #unyc #iamunyc #friends #enemies #love #family #forgiveness #forgive #quotes #quote #qotd #instagood #encouragement #motivation #letitgo #grace #God

Praying hands designed by Kelly Cruz of @kingandfolkco.

Praying hands designed by Kelly Cruz of @kingandfolkco.

Forgive me Lord….

…for I have sinned. AMEN!

#FML doesn’t have to mean what society has made it known to be. We want to change your perspective and consider a different approach.

In the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13), Jesus even taught us to ask for forgiveness because “he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9).

We know this shirt will draw attention and we hope that it brings awareness to the act of forgiveness, not just receiving it but also giving it.

“Forgiveness will help you more than the person you forgive.”

“Forgive others as quickly as you expect God to forgive you.”

Be grateful today that God loves you and He is gracious to allow you with all your mess to still boldly come before him and ask forgiveness. Be encouraged.

🙏🏼God bless you!🙏🏼

Order your shirt today and check out some of our other items on sale to add to your purchase. Be sure to take pictures when you get your order and/or when you wear your shirt and tag us on social media @iamunyc.

Thank you for all your support!


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